Miraculum Children’s Choir

The choir was formed, or rather re-formed in 1996 from the 10-14-year old children who attend the institute. The school educates children in the spirit of Zoltán Kodály’s work in which singing in choirs plays a very important role.
The choir was founded and led by László Durányik.
The choir is constantly trying to broaden its repertoire in order to include a wide range of choral works from the Renaissance to the 20th century, paying attention especially to the works of the Hungarian composers Kodály, Bartók, Bárdos and Kocsár.
The aim of the choir is to actively take part in the life of the Hungarian choirs, to participate successfully in international and national choir competitions, to make recordings and to represent Kecskemét, Zoltán Kodály’s birthplace, all over the world. It also aims to take part in the musical life of Kecskemét. But above all, the choir’s most important task is to educate more and more young people who love singing and who can give a highly qualified interpretation of choir works of the classical and modern periods.
The choir has prove to be very successful in 1998: within a week it aequired two first prizes in the summer – at the Béla Bartók International Choir Festival in Debrecen, and at another festival held in Llangollen in Britain. In Debrecen it also won the special prize of the Hungarian Radio as a result of which it could give a concert of its own broadcast alive on the radio.