I have two good friends – Choir meeting in Budapest

I have two good friends – Choir meeting in Budapest

I have two good friends – Choir meeting in Budapest

Aurin Mixed Choir will perform in Budapest on April 13, 2019.
Members of Somnium Laude Chamber Choir will also join us for the choral meeting organized by the Vox Insana Chamber Choir.

Date: April 13, 2019, 7 pm
Venue: Leövey Klára Gimnázium, 1096 Budapest, Vendel utca 1.

Early bird ticket: 1400 Ft
Normal ticket: 1800 Ft
Support ticket: 3000 Ft

Ticket sale:

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Aurin Girls’ Choir in Portugal

Aurin Girls’ Choir in Portugal

Aurin Girls’ Choir in Portugal

In October 2018, Aurin’s Choir Choir spent a very successful week in Portugal, winning two first prizes at the III. Beira International International Choir Competition and Festival in Fundão.

The Aurin Girls’ Choir participated in two categories with the following program:

G2 – Youth choirs for equal voices

  1. G P. da Palestrina: Pueri Hebraeorum
  2. Felix B. Mendelssohn: Laudate pueri
  3. Zoltán Kodály: Pünkösdölő
  4. György Orbán: Daemon irrepit callidus

S – Sacred music

  1. Jacobus Gallus: Confirma hoc
  2. Pablo Casals: Nigra Sum
  3. Zoltán Kodály: A 150. genfi zsoltár
  4. Miklós Kocsár: Salve Regina

Grand Prix program:

  1. Levente Gyöngyösi: Ave Maria
  2. Bring Me Little Water Sylvie (Traditional American Folk Song, Attributed to “Leadbelly” Huddle Ledbetter, Arr. by Moira Smiley)


Concerts in Portugal:

  1. October 2nd, 9 pm Paróquia de Santo Condestável – Lisbon, Rua Francisco Metrass Friendship Concert
  2. October 3rd, 9 pm “Multiusos do Fundão” (Praça Município, 6230-338 Fundão) Opening Concert
  3. October 4th, 10 am “Igreja Matriz do Fundão” (Teodoro Mesquita, Fundão) Category S.
  4. October 4th, 2 pm “Auditorium (Seminario)” Caminho da Sra. da Luz 6, Fundão) Category G2.
  5. October 4th, 5 pm “Igreja de Alpedrinha” (rua da Igreja, Alpedrinha) Friendship Concert.
  6. October 6th, 6 pm “Multiusos do Fundão” (Praça Município, 6230-338 Fundão) Grand Prize Competition & Award Ceremony


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